
Xeno by D.F. Jones
Xeno by D.F.  Jones

In the end of the story, the only way for the humans to survive has been for them to move their small remaining population towards the colder poles of the planet where the insects do not thrive. I seem to remember a scene in which one of the main male characters walks in on his (pregnant?) wife who is eating raw meat from a refrigerator and he realizes that she is 'infected'. The stingers seem not only to kill but have the ability to infect the human with something else. Some of these details may be a bit off but I will try to remember what I can.īird sized insects that have stingers (something like big dragonflies in shape) somehow populate the Earth and become a huge threat to the continuation of the human species. I grew up in Maine where there are a lot of big insects in the Summer due to that marshy land -so this really scared me! This details are quite fuzzy but the creepiness always stuck with me. Not sure if it was a short story or a novel. I read this Sci-Fi/Horror story as a kid so expect it is maybe 20-30 years old or more.

Xeno by D.F.  Jones